I am so looking forward to the spring!! Rebirth, growth and prosperity!! I believe that it is a time of regrouping, reenergizing and just plain living... I believe this year will be a good year for my family. We have had our ups and downs, just like any other family!! I believe this year will be a great year. Our family is now two boys and the two of us: husband and wife. I am looking forward to Andrew's first steps... he's 14 months old and still not walking. That's okay!! Lukas is an outgoing and fun loving innocent 5 1/2 year old! He is vibrant not afraid of anyone!! Paul, my husband is a quiet, loving and good man! Than there is me who is a good hearted, naive and fun loving woman!! I still look on the good side of people. It takes a lot for me to be upset with you. I am very positive and believe that life is good!! I love God and what he has done for me in my life!
I have been blogging for quite some time and thought that I should introduce myself and my family so you all know who we are! I am enjoying this journey through life and meeting and learning about different cultures, people's love and caring for each other! I look forward to getting to know everyone and taking advice almost from everyone... Again, thank you for being part of my life and my family's life!!
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